Wind Street: 1300 - coming soon...
Take a stroll down Wind Street in 1300, past the stalls set out for market and between the timber-framed houses...
As part of our project, we're producing a series of 3D visualisations or 'renders' of Swansea in around 1300. If you've been a regular follower of this Blog, you'll have seen some of our discussion about different possible approaches, visual styles and idioms.
We'll be including a number of different renders in our interactive map of medieval Swansea. Some will be quite conservative - designed to give a sense of the elevation of buildings or the lie of the landscape and the location of certain key features. Alongside these, we will also include images such as this one, which we think of as 'interpretative visualisations', which give a more detailed, photo-realistic glimpse into medieval Swansea, based on our project research and some imagination, creative engagement and artistic realisation.
The image above was produced by Lorenzo Caravaggi, a BA History student at Birkbeck, University of London, who has been collaborating with us on the 'City Witness' project since 2013. This image of the work in progress shows how Lorenzo builds up the 3D render from wireframes to the finished result.
Lorenzo's contribution will add an extremely valuable dimension to our project and we're very excited to be working with him. He has very kindly agreed to write a guest post for this Blog, with some reflections on the process of creating these visualisations. Watch this space for his post!
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