Omnibus Christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris vel audituris Willelmus de Breosa dominus honorum de Brembre et de Goheria salutem in Domino. 
Noveritis universitas vestra nos concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse pro nobis ac heredibus nostris et singulis burgensibus nostris de Sweynese et eorum heredibus et assignatis integrum burgag sui quamcumque porccorum burgagii inhitantibus omnes et singulas remissiones et libertates subscriptas tenendum et habeudum sibi sucoessoribus ac heredibus et assiguatis suis in perpetuum. 

In primis quoniam coherere et coniungi non possunt, quorum voca et studia fuerint diversa, idcirco ad honorem Dei pacisque reformacionem omnibus et singulis bugensibus nostris predictis qui litem contra nos in curia Domini Regis nuper moverunt aut eisdem in predicta lite contribucionem aliquam vel auxilium prestiterunt omnem remittimus rancorem, et malam voluntatem, gratiam eis pristinam et dilectionem concedentes, actionesque quascumque personales, ac querelas, nos seu heredes nostros contra eosdem aut eorum quemlibet quocunque modo occasione predicta contingentes benigne remittentes. 

Concedimus et eisdem resonabile estouerium in omnibus et singulis boscis nostris supra boscum existentibus excepto bosco de Predewen capiend[ ] locis sibi magis expendientibus viderlecte boscum emortuum ad ardend[ ] et boscum quercinum ad edificia sua infra libertatem Burgi nostri de Sweynese edificanda et reperanda et naues ac nauiculas suas fabricandas et reperandas per visum et liberactionem forestarii nostri ita tamen quod si semel secundo et tercio primunitus officium suum in liberando adimplere neglexerit aut noluerit dum tamen commode invereiri possit tunc demum ob defactum ipsius capiat quilibet de predictis que ad permissa sibi viderit necessaria. Reliquum vero nemus consimiliter habeant et qui voluerint capiant per suis necessiariis in forma memorata, vendere autem seu dare cuilibet extraneo quiquam ex bocis predictis exceptus hospitibus et itinerantibus in burgo nostro predicto superuenienuibus pro tempore more sue minime licebit eisdem, sed si inuicem dando wel vendendi communicare possunt. Naves vo[ ] majores si voluerint quatuor et infra simul continue et per successionem ex bocis predictis faciant at habeant, sed nauiculas viginti dolia vini et infra potare valentes quotquot facere voluerint libere de bocis perfatusr concedimus eisdem, Reddendo nobis et heredibus nostris per qualibus naue seunauicula de nouo fabricata duodecim denarius; dictas autem naues aut nauiculas dare aut vendere cuilibet extraneo non debent absque nostra vel Senescalli nostri licencia et permissione speciali exeptes canibus necessitatis cum in remoteis protibus infortunium aliquod incurrerint wel ad inopiam vergerint nec aliunde habuerint unde paupertatem suam relevare vendant cuicumque voluerint. Nec liceat eisdem in dictis bocis quequod capore, ni[ ] de die et hoc in forma perfata. 

Volumus insuper et concedimus quod predicti burgenses nostri licite fodere possint et extrahere atque ad domos suas cariare turbas extra parta nostra demnica inuentas ubi libet infra limites et bundas in carta eorum originali contentas videlicet de Burlakysbrok vsque Habbydeweye et Lyn, ut usque ad fossam sancti Davidus ita quod nulli vendant extraneo nisi in forma permissa de bocis.  Et quod habeant carbonem terreum in byllywasta absue impedimento nostri vel heredum nostrom seu minisorum nostrorum quorumcumque et hoc ad omnia necessaria sua complenda, ita quod non vendant nisi in forma de boscis perscripta. Habeant etiam regias stratas et omnes vias suas consuetas apertas ac liberas ad eundum et redeundum ubi libus per mercandis suis exquendam per terram simul et aliquam absque porturbacone alique seu cuislibert impedimento, nec perfati burgenses nostri imprisonentur dum possint sufficientem inverire pleuinam ad respondendum in Hundredo nostro nisi per morte hominis nequitur et per feloniam interfecti captus super factum recentur commissum et qui modo debito fuerit indictatus, Latro cum manuopere latrocinii duodecim denarius excedentur deprehensus, Incendarius domorum [. . .] ccissorum nequter in felonia faciendo captus et rite indictatus, Vtlagatis primie abjurator fractor persone castrum nostri de Sweyn[ ] in eodem proprotur feloniam aut pro juicium curus in ferro detentuus, Falsor monete cum instrumente monetarius captus, vel excommicatus ad instanciam Episcopi incarceratus. Necque amerciamentum nisi pro iudicium et dicrecionem perium suorum.

Pretera volumus et concedimus quod Loquele in Hundredis nostris de Sweyn[ ] non continuentur nec protelentur de hundredo in hundredum sin assensu precium aut ob defactum iudicii dilati ita quod iudicia primo die formentur si dicti hundredi sectatores reddere noverint sin autem in secundo vel tercio quartaue prolmugentur si fieri potest et si tunc reddere nescierint quinto et ultimo sine progacione aliqua reddantur. Concedimus etiam eisdem potestatem eligendi duos burgenses annuantim in festo beati michi ad officium prepositure exercendius quos Seneschallo presentent, qui alterum eligat et electum prepoitum constituat qui cum ballivis nostris amerciamenta cum acciderint taxabit. Nullus insuper ballivus nostri forinsecus habeat potestatem attachiandi quemquam de Burgo nostro de Sweyn[ ] infra libertatem burgi memorati. Nec per aliquo delicto in dicto Burgo commisso aliquis de dicto Burgo existentes. Neque aliquis cogatur nobis deseruire nisi fuerit conducticius qui pre aliis nobis proronabili stipendio deservire tenetur. Cum uero tallagium aut auxilium aliquod nobis grantus conceditur per communitatem ville predicte per burgenses ejusdem taxetur et leuetur. Prisa quoque vini videlit de turginta doliis ex pertibus tranmarinis in vna naue transuectus nobis prestetur prout hactenus dari cnsueuit. Concedimus etiam burgensibus nostris memoratur quod nullus mercator extraneus exerceat mercandisas in burgo de Sweyn[ ] aut in terra nostra de Goher[ ] exceptis burgensibus de Lougharne contra eorumdem libertatem. Et si aliquem Burgensem de nouo fecerimus in burgo de Sweyn[ ] aut extra Scottag[ ] et tallagius in omnibus geninbus tallagiorum et aux iliorum vna cum eisdem burgensibus meisus dabit exceptus Burgensibus de Lougharne. Pretera concessimus eisdem burgensibus nostris et eorum heredibus ac assignatis pro nobis heredibus nostris et assignatus quod nequem nos nec aliquis nomine nostro inposterum de eisdem burgensibus nostris de Sweyn[ ] ultra viginti marcas vel earum valorem capiemus seu capere faciemus et [si] quod infra viginti marcus vel tentumdem aut earum valorem ceperimus infra quadraginta dies soluere tenebimur quod si non solusimus infra tempus prescemptum nichil amplius capiemus seu capere faciemus ab eisdem vel eorum quocumque donec prius perceptum plenarie persolumus. Concedimus insuper eisdem Burgensibus nostri quod decetero liberi penitus sint et quieti a prestacione medietatis viginti octo Lagenarum Ceruisus vel octodecim denarius quas vel quos ipsim nostrare et nos cape tempibus retroactis de qualibet bracina eorum solembamus Alii uero in dicto Burgo commorantes totalem assisam viginti octo lagenarum aut octodecim denariorum nobis vt hactenus consueverunt persoluent. Nec aliquis burdensis vel alius de Burgo nostro predicto pro transgressione assise ceruis amercietur aut corperali pene subiciatur Verumptamem conqyerenti qui sequi voluerit versus quemcumque de predictus si extraneus fuerit fiat ei remedium et justicia sicut pedipulvericato: intraneo autem et domestico communis iusticia exhibeatur, temptatoribus de dicto Burgo nostro de Sweyn[ ] totalitus amotis et eliminatis.

Volumus similitus et concedimus quod sepedicti Burgenses nostri parta de Crowewode et portmede libere et pacifice habeant et possideant sibi et heredibus suis inperperetum pro bundas etmetas notas et terminatas salva nobis et heredibus nostris porcome illa de portmede quam in presenti in dominico tenemus. Nec burgenses nostros neque existentes de manupastu eorum tempere pacis aut guerre ultra fines aut limites Goher[ ] in exercitum aut quamlibus expedic[ ]om seu effactum decetero abducemus aut ire compellemus set infra fines Goher[ ] nobiscum ibunt in forma in originali carta eorum contenta. Concedimus etiam quod singuli in burgo nostro prefato manentes qui burgenses non fuerint necessaia sua in turbariis nostris eisdem burgensibus concessis habeant ita tamen quod donacionem aut vendictionem vel wastum non faciant. Burgensibus uero nostris predictus et de eorum manupastu existentibus concedimus quod decetero liberi sint a custodia confugiencium ad ecclesiam nec onerentur aut in aliquo obnoxii teneantur pro eorumdem euasione Pretera volumus et concedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris inperperpetum quod Cancellariam nostra in pertibus Goher iugitur habeantur et aperta ac prosto sit omnibus et singulis brevia petentibus sine denegatione aut aliqua difficultate nec pro quocumque brevis amplius quam septem denarius donetur. Si vero petens Brevis de fora si concessa per cancellarium nostum non fuerit contentus fiat ei Brevis secundum sui ordinacionem periculo suo dum tamen Juri consonum videratur et transcusptum Brevis po uno denarius petenti exhibeatur. Quod si nos vel heredes nostri fusimus in tenura alterius Juris, plenariam justiciam faciemus cuilibet conquerenti per billetum nobis porrectum si in pertibus illius fusimus. Sin autem tradatur billetum Senescallo nostro qui pro tempore fuerit et si satisfaccio competens facta non fuerit extunc inmediate de cancellaria nostra Brevis concedatur in omni causam diss[ ], set in aliis casibus quibus cumque liberum tenementum tangentibus nobis in pertibus Anglican[ ] aut alibi remotius agentibus billetum in fora permissa Senescallo porrigatur, set si necesse fuerit Brevis exhibico usque ad duos menses completos differatur et tunc quidem in liberacione Brevis et execucione facienda contra nos velud contra quacumque alium in fora juris pro consideracionem Hunderdi nostri procedatur, quod si per cartam ad Warentiam vocati fui[ ]mus iusticiam consimilitus faciemus in fora memorata. Nec alicui vendemus aut negabimus justiciam. 

Concedimus etiam quod passagium de Sweyn[ ] presto habeatur omnibus et singulum Burgensibus predictis et de eorum manupastu existentibus et animalibus eorum ac rebus universis in perperetum sin naulo conferendo pretur communem collectam garbarum quam custos dicti passagum faciet si voluerit tempere messionis. Et si aliqui predicorum requisiti garbum solvere recusaverint solvant naulum si voluerint transfretare. Et si dictus custos super negligencia comuincatur pro demeritis suis punietur immediate [damaged]. Nullus etiam constabularius portarius carcerarius seu alius minister noster capiat amodo feodum aliquod de inperson[andis] [damaged] quibuscumque nisi in casibus felonie set nec tunc quidem nisi per unam noctem in persona nostra de Sweyn[ ] moram quis fecerit et licet pluries repleggietur aut manucapiatur et in personam retornetur dum tamen sit pro eodem facto semel tantum foedum solvet scilicet quatuor denarius. Nullus insuper ballive nostr decetero teneat [? ms damaged] hundredum vel curius sine commissione nostra speciali aut commissione Senescalli nostri si ipsem habeat potestatem per commissionem nostrum expressam alium loco suo substituendi. Nec quisquam balliuorum nostrum imposterum vicecomitum denoietur. Item volumus et concedimus quod omnes et singuli ministri nostri si in aliquo infra libertatem ville deliqerint respondeant in hundredo nostro omnibus et singulum de se conquerentibus de injuriis et grauaminibus eisdem per ipsos ministros illatum et hoc ad veritatem facti sin sollempnitate narracionis, et adjudicientur emende restitutiones et correctiones secundum modum et quantitatem delicti per hundredi nostri considerationcem: et quod inpermissis plenarius exectionem fiat ita taman quod querele nobis primo vel heredibus nostri si in partibus illum fuerimus Senescallo nostro fiat demonstraco et nisi infra mensem in utoque causam leso fuerit satisfactum tunc demum centra reum in hundredo nostro in fora permissa procedatur. Et preterea concedimus eisdem heredibus nostris inperpertum omnes et singulas alias liberatates leges et consuetudines temperibus progenitorum nostrum habitas vel concessas quas presenti carta nostra innouamus et eisdem burgensibus nostris confimamus in perpertum Volentes omnimodas occupaciones extorsiones et exactiones contra statum earumdem libertatum legum consuetudinum seu concessionum hactenus introductas irritari imposterum cassari adnullari ac nullius efficacie decetero haberi. 

Concendentes etiam volentes omnes leges libertates consuetudines et concessiones predictas specificatas et non specificatas in omnibus et singulum suis articulum firmitus et inviolabitus observari inperperpetum. Volumus insuper et concedimus pro nobis heredibus nostris et assignatis quod quancumque nos heredes vel assignati nostri aliquem articulum permissorum quamcunque arte uel ingenio violauerimus contra dictas concessiones vel libertates aut consuetudines seu illarum aliquam in quocumque articulo temere veniendo domino Regi Anglum in quangentis lbris argenti nomine puri debiti necnon cui vel quibus ex burgensibus predictis aut heredibus eorum injuriatum fuerit contra presentis carte tenorem in quigentis marcus argenti nomine puri debiti infra dinidium annum a tempore transgrassionis commisse solvendum quociescumque fecurim vel attemptauerimus quciquam contra promissa aut eorum aliqua nos et heredes nostros tenore presentis scripti volumus et concedimus obligari et teneri. Ut autem omnia et singula in presenti carta contenta robur perperpetum firmitatis optineant presenti scripto sigillum nostrum apposuimus.

Hiis testibus

Domino Willelmo Inger militus

Domino Waltero de Pedertum

Nichelo de Warwyk

Dominis Waltero de Hakkelicce

Ricardo de L. [ms damaged]

Henricus de Penbrugge militibus

Leyss de Auene et aliis.

Datum apud Sweyn[ ] die Jovis in festo Sancti Mathie apli anno Domini Millessimo trecentesimo quinto Et anno Regni Regius Edwardi Tricesimo quarto. 
To all the faithful in Christ who will see or hear this present writing, William de Briouze, Lord of the Honour of Bramber and Gower, Greetings in the Lord.
Be it known to you all, that we have granted and by this our present Charter have confirmed for us and our heirs and assigns, to all and singular our burgesses of Swansea, and their heirs and assigns inhabiting an entire burgage, or any portion of a burgage, all and singular the remissions and liberties written below, to be had and held by themselves, and their heirs and assigns for ever. 
Firstly, inasmuch as they cannot agree or be united together, whose desires and studies will be different, therefore, for the honour of God, and the reformation of peace, to all and singular aforesaid men, who lately commenced suit against us in the Court of our Lord the King, or who gave them contribution or aid in the aforesaid suit, we do remit all rancour and ill-will, granting to them our former grace and love, freely releasing to them all personal actions and complaints concerning us or our heirs against them, and in whatever manner it occurs. 
We also grant to them reasonable Estovers [wood granted to tenants] in all and singular in our woods, above The Wood, except wood from the woods of Predewen, to be taken in the most expedient places for them, that is, dead wood to be burnt, and oak wood for building and repairing their houses within the liberties of our borough of Swansea, and for building and repairing their ships and boats, by the view and delivery of our Forester. Nevertheless, so that if having been once, twice or three times warned, he neglects or will not fulfil his office (yet so long as he may be conveniently found) then at length by reason of his default every one may take out of the same [woods] what seems necessary to him for the aforesaid purposes. And they may, likewise, have and take the rest of the woods when they wish for their necessary uses in the form mentioned before. But it shall not be lawful for them to sell or give anything out of the aforesaid woods to any stranger, except to guests and travellers coming to our said borough during the time of their stay, yet they are welcome to give or sell to one another. And they can make and have (if they wish), four great ships or less out of the aforesaid woods at the same time, and successively, but we grant to them that they may out of the said woods build as many small vessels as they wish, able to carry 20 hogsheads [dolia] of wine or less, paying to us and our heirs 12 pence for every new ship or vessel made. But they must not give or sell the said ships or smaller vessels to any stranger without the special license and permission of us or of our seneschal [steward], except in necessary cases, when in foreign parts they suffer any misfortune, or are reduced to poverty, and have not means to relieve their wants, in which case, if their neighbours have refused to buy it, they may sell to whomsoever they wish. Nor will it be lawful for them to take anything out of the said woods but in the daytime, and that in the aforesaid form. Moreover, we do will and grant that our aforesaid burgesses may lawfully dig, take and carry away to their houses, turfs found outside our demesne meadows within the limits and bounds contained in their original charter, that is from Burlakes Brook to Habbydewye and Lyn, and as far as St David’s Ditch, so that they cannot sell to any foreigner except in the aforesaid form concerning the woods. And that they have charcoal from Byllywasta, without the hindrance of us or of our heirs, or any of our officers whomsoever, and this is to supply all their necessities, so that they shall not sell except in the form prescribed concerning the woods. Also, they may have the King’s highways, and all their accustomed roads open and free to go and return when they please for carrying their merchandise both by land and water, without any disturbance or hindrance from anyone. 
Nor will our aforesaid Burgesses be imprisoned as long as they can find sufficient security to answer in our hundred, unless one is taken for the death of a man wickedly and feloniously slain upon the fact newly committed, and who will have been in due manner accused: a thief caught within the manor for a theft exceeding twelve pence; a burner of houses or [. . . .] taken in maliciously committing the felony, and rightly accused; an outlaw; [someone renouncing] the country; a prison breaker of our Castle of Swansea, detained there in irons for felony or by judgement of the court; a counterfeiter of coin taken with the implements of coining, or an excommunicated person imprisoned at the insistence of the bishop. Nor shall they be amerced but by the judgement and discretion of their peers. Moreover we do will and grant that complaints in our hundred court of Swansea, will not be continued or prolonged from hundred court to hundred court, without the assent of the parties, or for default of or delayed judgement, so that judgements can be framed the first day if the suitors of the said hundred court shall know to give it; but if not, they shall be pronounced on the second, third, or fourth, if it can be done. And then if they do not know how to give judgement on the fourth, they shall be given on the fifth and last day without any adjournment. Also, we grant to them power of electing two burgesses a year, on the Feast of St Michael, to exercise the office of Portreeve, who they will present to the seneschal [steward], who will chose one of them and appoint him Portreeve, who with our Bailiffs, will tax amerciaments when they occur. Moreover, none of our foreign bailiffs will have the power to attach anyone of our borough of Swansea, within the liberty of the aforesaid borough. Nor will anyone, being from the said borough, be accused by Welshmen, or any persons belonging to our household, for any offence committed within the said borough; nor will anyone be compelled to serve us except if he is a mercenary, who is bound to serve us before others for a reasonable stipend. And when any tallage or aid is freely granted to us by the commonality of the aforesaid town, it shall be taxed and levied by the Burgesses from there. Also, a levy on wine will be paid to us, that is, for thirty hogsheads carried in one ship from ports beyond the seas as have been thus far accustomed to give. Also we grant to our aforesaid burgesses, that no foreign merchant will trade in merchandise within our borough of Swansea, or in our land of Gower (except the Burgesses of Laugharne), contrary to their liberty. And if we will make any new Burgess inside or outside the borough of Swansea, he will pay scottage and tallage in all kinds of tallages and aids, together with the same Burgesses (except the Burgesses of Laugharne).

Furthermore, we have granted to our same Burgesses and their heirs and assigns, for our heirs and assigns, that we will not, nor any one hereafter in our name, take (or cause to be taken), from them our said Burgesses of Swansea, or any one of them, more than twenty marks, or up to that value; if we take anything under twenty marks, or so much, or that value, we will be bound to pay within forty days; but if we do not pay within the prescribed time, we will not take, or cause to be taken, any more from them, or any of them, until we have paid for the first taking. Moreover, we do grant to our same Burgesses that from here on they are free and quit from the payment of the half of 28 gallons of ale or eighteen pence in money, which ale or money they must pay and we are to receive out of each of their brewings; but others living within the same borough, will pay to us the whole assize, which is eight and twenty gallons or eighteen pence as they were previously accustomed to. Nor will any burgess or other man of our aforesaid borough be amerced or undergo corporal punishment for breaking the assize of ale; nevertheless, if a complaint will prosecute against any one for the aforesaid matters, if he be a stranger, let remedy and justice be done to him in the manner of a peddler; but to an in-dweller [local] and domestic, let common justice be exhibited; tryers or tasters be totally removed and dismissed out of the borough of Swansea. Likewise, we do will and grant that our said burgesses will freely and peaceably have and possess to themselves and their heirs for ever, the meadows of Crow Wood and Portmead, according to their known and limited bounds and measures (that part of Portmead which at present we hold in demesne being reserved to us and our heirs). 
Nor will we henceforth lead away or compel our Burgesses, or anybody maintained by them in times of peace or war, to go beyond the limits of Gower against any army or into any expedition or service; but within the limits of Gower they will go with us in the manner that is contained in their original Charter. Also, we grant that all men remaining in our said borough, who are not burgesses, may have their necessaries in our turf pits granted to the burgesses, nevertheless so they make neither sale, gift, or waste thereof. And we grant to our burgesses aforesaid, and to those maintained by them, that from here on they be free from the keeping of such as will fly to the church [for sanctuary]; nor will they be charged or in any way liable for the escape of such persons. Moreover, we will and grant for us and our heirs for ever, that our Chancery in the parts of Gower will always be open and ready to all and singular persons requiring writs without denial or any difficulty, nor will any more than seven pence be given for a writ; but if one demanding a writ, will not be content with the form granted him by our chancellor, let a writ be made for him according to his own order and it should be at his own risk; nevertheless it should seem consonant to the law, and a copy of the writ will be given for one penny to he who requires it; but if we or our heirs are in the tenure of another’s right, we will cause full justice to be done to everyone who complains by a bill presented to us if we are in these parts; but if [we are] not, the bill will be delivered to our seneschal [steward] for the time being, and if suitable satisfaction is not made thenceforth, a writ will be immediately granted out of our Chancery in all cases of disseisin. But in all other cases whatsoever, concerning free tenents, if we are in some parts of England or more remote parts, the bill, in the aforesaid form, will be presented to the seneschal [steward]; but if necessary, the showing of the writ may be delayed for two full months, and indeed then proceedings will be made by the judgement of our Hundred Court, in the issuing and executing of the writ against us in the manner of any other in the course of law; but if we are be called by Charter to warranty, we will likewise do justice in the aforesaid form. Neither will we sell or deny justice to any man. Also we grant that the ferries of Swansea will be open for all and singular of the aforesaid Burgesses, and those maintained by them, and for all their cattle and all their goods for ever, without paying any fare besides the common collection of sheaves, which the keeper of the said ferries will make in harvest time, if he will. And if any of the aforesaid persons, being required, refuses to pay the sheaves, they will pay their fare when they cross over; and if the said keeper is convicted of negligence, he will be punished forthwith according to what he deserves. Also, no constable, porter, gaoler, or other of our officers, will henceforth take any fee from any prisoners whomsoever, except in cases of felony, and not even then, except from any one who stays for one night in our prison of Swansea, and although he will often be bailed and returned to the prison; nevertheless, if for the same fact, he will only pay a fee once of four pence. Moreover, no bailiff of ours will henceforth hold or keep any hundred or court without our special commission or the commission of our seneschal [steward], if he has the power expressed by our commission of substituting another in his place; nor will any one of our bailiffs henceforth be called sheriff.

Also we do will and grant that all and singular of our officers, if they offend in anyway within the liberty of the town, will answer in our hundred all and singular persons complaining of injuries and grievances done to them by them said officers, and verifying the truth of the fact without the formaility of a declaration, and amends and restitutions and corrections will be judged according to the measure and extent of the offence by the consideration of our Hundred Court, and full execution will be made in the premises. Nevertheless so that complaint will be showed to us first or our heirs if we are in these parts, but if we are in some remote parts, the same will be shown to our seneschal [steward]; and in either case, unless satisfaction be made to the person injured within a month, then the guilty person will be proceeded against in our hundred in the aforesaid manner. And moreover, we grant to them, their heirs, and assigns, for us and our heirs for ever, all and singular others, the liberties, laws, and customs, had or granted in the times of our progenitors, which, by our present Charter, we renew and confirm to the said Burgesses for ever. Willing that all manner of usurptions, extortions, and exactions, hitherto introduced contrary to the form of the same liberties, laws, customs and grants, will now on, be abolished, quashed, annulled, and be accounted of no effect. Granting also, and willing, that all the laws, liberties, customs, and grants aforesaid, specified and not specified, will, in all and singular in all their articles, be firmly and inviolably observed for ever. Moreover, we do will and grant, for ourselves, our heirs, and assigns, that whenever we, our heirs, and assigns, violate any article of the premises, by any act or device, contrary to the said grants, or liberties or customs, or any of them, in contravening any article whatsoever, that we and our heirs, are become bound and indebted to our Lord of the King of England in five hundred pounds of silver, by way of pure debt, and also to him, them or the aforesaid bugesses and theirs heirs, to whom wrong has been done, contrary to the tenor of this present charter, to be paid within half a year from the time of the wrong committed, as often as we do or attempt to anything contrary to these premises or any of them. And that all and singular things contained in this present charter may have the force of perpetual security, we these witnesses have put our seals to this present writing: 
Sir William Inge, Knight; 
Sir Walter de Penderton, Knight; 
Sir Nicholas de Warwick, Knight; 
Sir Walter Halkelege, Knight; 
Sir Edward de Litrabella, Knight; 
Sir Henry de Pembroke, Knight; 
Lysbon of Avon, and others. 
Dated at Swansea, on Tuesday, the Feast of Mathias the Apostle [24 February], in the year of our Lord, 1305, and also in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of King Edward the First.  


To all the faithful in Christ who will see or hear this present writing, William de Briouze, Lord of the Honour of Bramber and Gower, Greetings in the Lord.
Be it known to you all, that we have granted and by this our present Charter have confirmed for us and our heirs and assigns, to all and singular our burgesses of Swansea, and their heirs and assigns inhabiting an entire burgage, or any portion of a burgage, all and singular the remissions and liberties written below, to be had and held by themselves, and their heirs and assigns for ever. 
Firstly, inasmuch as they cannot agree or be united together, whose desires and studies will be different, therefore, for the honour of God, and the reformation of peace, to all and singular aforesaid men, who lately commenced suit against us in the Court of our Lord the King, or who gave them contribution or aid in the aforesaid suit, we do remit all rancour and ill-will, granting to them our former grace and love, freely releasing to them all personal actions and complaints concerning us or our heirs against them, and in whatever manner it occurs. 
We also grant to them reasonable Estovers [wood granted to tenants] in all and singular in our woods, above The Wood, except wood from the woods of Predewen, to be taken in the most expedient places for them, that is, dead wood to be burnt, and oak wood for building and repairing their houses within the liberties of our borough of Swansea, and for building and repairing their ships and boats, by the view and delivery of our Forester. Nevertheless, so that if having been once, twice or three times warned, he neglects or will not fulfil his office (yet so long as he may be conveniently found) then at length by reason of his default every one may take out of the same [woods] what seems necessary to him for the aforesaid purposes. And they may, likewise, have and take the rest of the woods when they wish for their necessary uses in the form mentioned before. But it shall not be lawful for them to sell or give anything out of the aforesaid woods to any stranger, except to guests and travellers coming to our said borough during the time of their stay, yet they are welcome to give or sell to one another. And they can make and have (if they wish), four great ships or less out of the aforesaid woods at the same time, and successively, but we grant to them that they may out of the said woods build as many small vessels as they wish, able to carry 20 hogsheads [dolia] of wine or less, paying to us and our heirs 12 pence for every new ship or vessel made. But they must not give or sell the said ships or smaller vessels to any stranger without the special license and permission of us or of our seneschal [steward], except in necessary cases, when in foreign parts they suffer any misfortune, or are reduced to poverty, and have not means to relieve their wants, in which case, if their neighbours have refused to buy it, they may sell to whomsoever they wish. Nor will it be lawful for them to take anything out of the said woods but in the daytime, and that in the aforesaid form. Moreover, we do will and grant that our aforesaid burgesses may lawfully dig, take and carry away to their houses, turfs found outside our demesne meadows within the limits and bounds contained in their original charter, that is from Burlakes Brook to Habbydewye and Lyn, and as far as St David’s Ditch, so that they cannot sell to any foreigner except in the aforesaid form concerning the woods. And that they have charcoal from Byllywasta, without the hindrance of us or of our heirs, or any of our officers whomsoever, and this is to supply all their necessities, so that they shall not sell except in the form prescribed concerning the woods. Also, they may have the King’s highways, and all their accustomed roads open and free to go and return when they please for carrying their merchandise both by land and water, without any disturbance or hindrance from anyone. 
Nor will our aforesaid Burgesses be imprisoned as long as they can find sufficient security to answer in our hundred, unless one is taken for the death of a man wickedly and feloniously slain upon the fact newly committed, and who will have been in due manner accused: a thief caught within the manor for a theft exceeding twelve pence; a burner of houses or [. . . .] taken in maliciously committing the felony, and rightly accused; an outlaw; [someone renouncing] the country; a prison breaker of our Castle of Swansea, detained there in irons for felony or by judgement of the court; a counterfeiter of coin taken with the implements of coining, or an excommunicated person imprisoned at the insistence of the bishop. Nor shall they be amerced but by the judgement and discretion of their peers. Moreover we do will and grant that complaints in our hundred court of Swansea, will not be continued or prolonged from hundred court to hundred court, without the assent of the parties, or for default of or delayed judgement, so that judgements can be framed the first day if the suitors of the said hundred court shall know to give it; but if not, they shall be pronounced on the second, third, or fourth, if it can be done. And then if they do not know how to give judgement on the fourth, they shall be given on the fifth and last day without any adjournment. Also, we grant to them power of electing two burgesses a year, on the Feast of St Michael, to exercise the office of Portreeve, who they will present to the seneschal [steward], who will chose one of them and appoint him Portreeve, who with our Bailiffs, will tax amerciaments when they occur. Moreover, none of our foreign bailiffs will have the power to attach anyone of our borough of Swansea, within the liberty of the aforesaid borough. Nor will anyone, being from the said borough, be accused by Welshmen, or any persons belonging to our household, for any offence committed within the said borough; nor will anyone be compelled to serve us except if he is a mercenary, who is bound to serve us before others for a reasonable stipend. And when any tallage or aid is freely granted to us by the commonality of the aforesaid town, it shall be taxed and levied by the Burgesses from there. Also, a levy on wine will be paid to us, that is, for thirty hogsheads carried in one ship from ports beyond the seas as have been thus far accustomed to give. Also we grant to our aforesaid burgesses, that no foreign merchant will trade in merchandise within our borough of Swansea, or in our land of Gower (except the Burgesses of Laugharne), contrary to their liberty. And if we will make any new Burgess inside or outside the borough of Swansea, he will pay scottage and tallage in all kinds of tallages and aids, together with the same Burgesses (except the Burgesses of Laugharne).

Furthermore, we have granted to our same Burgesses and their heirs and assigns, for our heirs and assigns, that we will not, nor any one hereafter in our name, take (or cause to be taken), from them our said Burgesses of Swansea, or any one of them, more than twenty marks, or up to that value; if we take anything under twenty marks, or so much, or that value, we will be bound to pay within forty days; but if we do not pay within the prescribed time, we will not take, or cause to be taken, any more from them, or any of them, until we have paid for the first taking. Moreover, we do grant to our same Burgesses that from here on they are free and quit from the payment of the half of 28 gallons of ale or eighteen pence in money, which ale or money they must pay and we are to receive out of each of their brewings; but others living within the same borough, will pay to us the whole assize, which is eight and twenty gallons or eighteen pence as they were previously accustomed to. Nor will any burgess or other man of our aforesaid borough be amerced or undergo corporal punishment for breaking the assize of ale; nevertheless, if a complaint will prosecute against any one for the aforesaid matters, if he be a stranger, let remedy and justice be done to him in the manner of a peddler; but to an in-dweller [local] and domestic, let common justice be exhibited; tryers or tasters be totally removed and dismissed out of the borough of Swansea. Likewise, we do will and grant that our said burgesses will freely and peaceably have and possess to themselves and their heirs for ever, the meadows of Crow Wood and Portmead, according to their known and limited bounds and measures (that part of Portmead which at present we hold in demesne being reserved to us and our heirs). 
Nor will we henceforth lead away or compel our Burgesses, or anybody maintained by them in times of peace or war, to go beyond the limits of Gower against any army or into any expedition or service; but within the limits of Gower they will go with us in the manner that is contained in their original Charter. Also, we grant that all men remaining in our said borough, who are not burgesses, may have their necessaries in our turf pits granted to the burgesses, nevertheless so they make neither sale, gift, or waste thereof. And we grant to our burgesses aforesaid, and to those maintained by them, that from here on they be free from the keeping of such as will fly to the church [for sanctuary]; nor will they be charged or in any way liable for the escape of such persons. Moreover, we will and grant for us and our heirs for ever, that our Chancery in the parts of Gower will always be open and ready to all and singular persons requiring writs without denial or any difficulty, nor will any more than seven pence be given for a writ; but if one demanding a writ, will not be content with the form granted him by our chancellor, let a writ be made for him according to his own order and it should be at his own risk; nevertheless it should seem consonant to the law, and a copy of the writ will be given for one penny to he who requires it; but if we or our heirs are in the tenure of another’s right, we will cause full justice to be done to everyone who complains by a bill presented to us if we are in these parts; but if [we are] not, the bill will be delivered to our seneschal [steward] for the time being, and if suitable satisfaction is not made thenceforth, a writ will be immediately granted out of our Chancery in all cases of disseisin. But in all other cases whatsoever, concerning free tenents, if we are in some parts of England or more remote parts, the bill, in the aforesaid form, will be presented to the seneschal [steward]; but if necessary, the showing of the writ may be delayed for two full months, and indeed then proceedings will be made by the judgement of our Hundred Court, in the issuing and executing of the writ against us in the manner of any other in the course of law; but if we are be called by Charter to warranty, we will likewise do justice in the aforesaid form. Neither will we sell or deny justice to any man. Also we grant that the ferries of Swansea will be open for all and singular of the aforesaid Burgesses, and those maintained by them, and for all their cattle and all their goods for ever, without paying any fare besides the common collection of sheaves, which the keeper of the said ferries will make in harvest time, if he will. And if any of the aforesaid persons, being required, refuses to pay the sheaves, they will pay their fare when they cross over; and if the said keeper is convicted of negligence, he will be punished forthwith according to what he deserves. Also, no constable, porter, gaoler, or other of our officers, will henceforth take any fee from any prisoners whomsoever, except in cases of felony, and not even then, except from any one who stays for one night in our prison of Swansea, and although he will often be bailed and returned to the prison; nevertheless, if for the same fact, he will only pay a fee once of four pence. Moreover, no bailiff of ours will henceforth hold or keep any hundred or court without our special commission or the commission of our seneschal [steward], if he has the power expressed by our commission of substituting another in his place; nor will any one of our bailiffs henceforth be called sheriff.

Also we do will and grant that all and singular of our officers, if they offend in anyway within the liberty of the town, will answer in our hundred all and singular persons complaining of injuries and grievances done to them by them said officers, and verifying the truth of the fact without the formaility of a declaration, and amends and restitutions and corrections will be judged according to the measure and extent of the offence by the consideration of our Hundred Court, and full execution will be made in the premises. Nevertheless so that complaint will be showed to us first or our heirs if we are in these parts, but if we are in some remote parts, the same will be shown to our seneschal [steward]; and in either case, unless satisfaction be made to the person injured within a month, then the guilty person will be proceeded against in our hundred in the aforesaid manner. And moreover, we grant to them, their heirs, and assigns, for us and our heirs for ever, all and singular others, the liberties, laws, and customs, had or granted in the times of our progenitors, which, by our present Charter, we renew and confirm to the said Burgesses for ever. Willing that all manner of usurptions, extortions, and exactions, hitherto introduced contrary to the form of the same liberties, laws, customs and grants, will now on, be abolished, quashed, annulled, and be accounted of no effect. Granting also, and willing, that all the laws, liberties, customs, and grants aforesaid, specified and not specified, will, in all and singular in all their articles, be firmly and inviolably observed for ever. Moreover, we do will and grant, for ourselves, our heirs, and assigns, that whenever we, our heirs, and assigns, violate any article of the premises, by any act or device, contrary to the said grants, or liberties or customs, or any of them, in contravening any article whatsoever, that we and our heirs, are become bound and indebted to our Lord of the King of England in five hundred pounds of silver, by way of pure debt, and also to him, them or the aforesaid bugesses and theirs heirs, to whom wrong has been done, contrary to the tenor of this present charter, to be paid within half a year from the time of the wrong committed, as often as we do or attempt to anything contrary to these premises or any of them. And that all and singular things contained in this present charter may have the force of perpetual security, we these witnesses have put our seals to this present writing: 
Sir William Inge, Knight; 
Sir Walter de Penderton, Knight; 
Sir Nicholas de Warwick, Knight; 
Sir Walter Halkelege, Knight; 
Sir Edward de Litrabella, Knight; 
Sir Henry de Pembroke, Knight; 
Lysbon of Avon, and others. 
Dated at Swansea, on Tuesday, the Feast of Mathias the Apostle [24 February], in the year of our Lord, 1305, and also in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of King Edward the First.