In the media - comments and questions welcome!
(Overview of medieval Swansea from the south)
Our project has been appearing in the media over the last few days, with a feature in the Western Mail and a full-page article in the South Wales Evening Post. I also spoke to Gareth about the project on the BBC Radio Wales 'Good Evening Wales' programme (Friday 6 June). We hear from Swansea Council that the project is generating lots of interest via their Facebook page and Twitter feed. Thank you very much for all your interest in the project.
We're particularly glad that the photo-realistic visualisation of Wind Street has opened up some debate. As you'll see from the conversation on this Blog (and the more detailed articles which will appear on the website soon), the visualisation of medieval Swansea does involve lots of guesswork and interpretation. That's why we've included various different styles of visualisation - from the simple schematic views like the one above, to more interpretative depictions which allow us to engage imaginatively with medieval places. But all of these are based on our research: on our mapping work, available archaeological and documentary evidence, and the clues in the William Cragh text itself.
Please feel free to leave comments or questions here and the project team will try to respond!
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