Swansea Council meeting: planning the pavement markers
On Thursday 13 June, Keith, Gareth and I attended a meeting at Swansea City Council, organised by Gareth Hughes, the Council’s Regeneration Co-ordinator. Our aim was to discuss the pavement marker project and how our research can link with various other exciting conservation, regeneration and heritage projects in the city.
Gareth Hughes had brought together a fantastic group of colleagues with interests and expertise related to our work. As well as Gareth, the meeting included Richard Porch (Regeneration Projects Officer), Stephen Smith (Urban Designer), Jeff Saywell (Landscape Architect), Gordon Allison (Estates Manager / Surveyor), Sarah Pace (ADDO), Nick McDonald (Culture and Tourism Officer), Amy Prince (lead on regeneration projects), Jonathan Willicombe (Highway Maintenance Officer) and Steve Hopkins (Tourism Officer).
Together we discussed some of the practical issues associated with the markers (placing, materials, installation, maintenance – and the need to be theft- and vandalism-proof!) as well as the ways in which our research ties in with other ongoing projects – especially the development of the castle site. It was particularly interesting to see some of the exciting plans for interpretation and public art at the castle, and to think about how our aims and approaches could link together.
It was also exciting to present our research to the Council team and very encouraging to hear their interest and enthusiasm. The Cragh text always seems to capture people’s imagination, but other elements of our work also provoked plenty of discussion – such as Gareth’s geo-referencing of the RAF aerial photos of Swansea after the Blitz, which has added another fascinating layer to the GIS and shows another of the major upheavals to Swansea’s landscape since the medieval period.
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