These 3D animations were produced from the mapped output of the project and are intended to provide the audience with an immersive experience, giving a sense of scale and layout that might be difficult to understand in a static image.
These 3D animations were produced from the mapped output of the project and are intended to provide the audience with an immersive experience, giving a sense of scale and layout that might be difficult to understand in a static image.
Archwiliwch dreftadaeth gyfoethog a diddorol Abertawe'r Oesoedd Canol.
Cerddwch drwy stori William Cragh, y gŵr a grogwyd yn Abertawe'r Oesoedd Canol cyn atgyfodi'n wyrthiol...
Discover the ghosts, secrets and hidden stories of medieval Swansea in this walking tour.
Walk through history as you learn about the development of Swansea during the Middle Ages and beyond.